Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bittersweet Thanksgiving

I am so thankful to God for all of the wonderful blessings he had given me. But this Thanksgiving is also bittersweet, as it is also Hannah's first birthday.

One year ago today my healing yet scarred heart was torn apart again as I learned another of our babies had died before birth. So much of the day was deja vu of what had happened just over a year earlier.

I don't want to dwell on the sadness and heartache, but I can't help remembering. And while I remember, I give thanks to the Lord that he did bless us with these two little girls who, while they were alive, I was able to cradle in my womb. I thank him that I was able to hold them in my arms, even though it was only their earthly bodies. I can no longer touch them, hold them, kiss them, but my love for them is still just as strong as if I could.


The Blue Sparrow said...

Giving thanks with you for your sweet angel babies. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

may God's love embrace and surround's been almost 2 1/2 months since my little boy died-in my 18th week of pregnancy- and i am experiencing the "firsts" of the holidays, ect. It's difficult but I am finding God is faithful just like i knew He would be. Am sorry for your loss and the celebration of your little one's birthday without her. Happy Birthday Hannah!! God bless you and your family!
Lena Stoltzfus

Anonymous said...

Melanie, I think of you often and of your precious girls. ((((HUGS))))

Jackie said...

I just stumbled on your blog and found it encouraging that you can still praise God in all your sadness and loss. I'm a Christian also and I'm not sure how anyone ever comes to term with the death of a child without the peace of Jesus in their lives. I'm sorry for the loss of your girls but I'm also rejoice with you that they are with their creator. I will pray for your family tonight..for continued peace and understanding from the one who knows about losing a child. Blessings to you and your family.
PS my only sister lost her third child to stillbirth, I have been there for her through it all, but she doenst have that hope that we share.... They are struggling, it's been 5 yrs.