Tuesday, October 28, 2008

14 Wk MW Appt

I had a regular appt with my midwife Liz today and got to hear baby's heartbeat again ... 155. My BP was 118/60, and I've gained 1 1/2 lbs since my first appt.

My appt today was also for a complete physical. When Liz checked my thyroid, she said it felt puffy. I asked if it could have anything to do with the fact that I'd been sick recently and was still coughing. She said it might, but if my thyroid was the same at my next appt in a month, she wants me to see an endocrinologist. I had a lot of bloodwork done before getting pregnant this time, including checking my thyroid levels, which came back fine. However, Liz said she still feels I should get it checked by an endocrinologist, but she said not to worry. We'll see what happens at my next prenatal appt.

We told the kids about the baby at supper tonight. Faith's preK class has a letter train they do where every day they focus on 2 letters of the alphabet and they get to bring in an item for each letter that starts with that letter. Tomorrow's letters are U and V. The older kids usually like to help think of what she could bring, so at the supper table we were discussing what Faith could take along. Finally I said, "I know what Faith can take for U. How about this?" and I pulled out one of my u/s pics from last week. The kids were very excited. Elizabeth said she knew it (She's been saying for the past couple weeks that she thinks I'm pg.). So, Faith is taking a copy of a u/s pic in to school for the letter U, and Elizabeth wants to take a copy of a u/s pic along to show her friends.


Anonymous said...

Diffuse thyroid enlargement [that clearly seen on your profile picture] during the pregnacy combined with normal thyroid levels,is common if the iodine uptake is insufficient.
In this case is a good idea to measure iodine uptake level [high uptake indicates lack of iodine in the diet, while low uptake idicates thyroid inflammation [during which no iodine is absorbed.)