Friday, October 17, 2008


The Fleet Farm Toy catalog recently arrived in the mail. The kids have been drooling over it and circling almost everything in it and telling us all the things they want.

Last night at the supper table as they were discussing this yet again, E said that she thought Josh and I had a secret we were waiting til Christmas to tell. She said, "I think Mama has a baby in her tummy." When we asked why she thought that, she replied, "Because Mama has been going to see Liz alot, and her tummy is getting bigger, and I've got 4 other brothers and sisters, so I know about it. And I think when ladies have babies in their tummies they have an ultrasound like once a week when they get bigger." LOL

Well, I've only actually had 1 appt with Liz, but I was having all that bloodwork done before knowing I was pg and then the bloodwork after finding out I was pg, and I had a u/s already. I explained that sometimes women go to see a mw even when they don't have a baby in their tummy and that you can have a u/s on other parts of your body, too.

I'm not wearing maternity clothes yet, but I have switched to my next bigger size pants. I suppose it's nice to know she doesn't just think I'm getting fat! :)

I think we're planning on telling people after my u/s next week. I guess Josh and I weren't being a subtle as we thought we were! Who knew a 9YO could be so perceptive?!