Thursday, November 27, 2008

Revised Blog Purpose

Josh and the kids brought me home from the hospital today. I am quite sore but doing okay.

I am in the process of editing this blog to include Hannah's story as well as Grace's. Some of Hannah's posts will be interspersed with Grace's as they are arranged chronologically according to posting dates, and I'm taking some of them from our family blog. If you want to be sure to read all of Hannah's entries, you can click on Hannah in the sidebar on the right under "Post Categories".

Please note that if you choose to leave comments, they are moderated, so you do not need to post again when your comment doesn't show up immediately.

Maybe it seems odd that I am doing this so soon, but it helps me to be able to write down my thoughts and feelings and process what happened in this way. I also feel it's a way for me to show my love for my daughters by acknowledging their short lives.


Kristin said...

Melanie, I don't think it is odd at all. We all have our own ways of dealing with grief. I know I would write out my feelings too.

I was thinking of you again in the quiet of the evening after our Thanksgiving day. I am praying, though it's hard to know what to pray. It's all so hard to understand -- all I can ask for is that you get the peace that passes all understanding. And, like Job, who suffered so greatly, many, many blessings in the future.

God bless you and your family.

Unknown said...

I want you to know I am reading and I am praying. I wish there were more I could do. I, like Kristin, came directly to my computer to see how you were doing.

I hope, in your grief, we are some small comfort to you.

We are here.

weinloveforever said...

(((( big hugs )))) I too came to check in and see how you were doing. My DH and I are praying for you as well, our hearts ache very deeply for your family.

The Zandi Zoo said...

Not odd at all, Melanie. I think it is a fine idea.

Kate said...

I think that if you're doing what you need to do to get through this extremely difficult time, then you're doing the right thing.

(((( hugs ))))

My heart hurts for you, Melanie, and I wish I could do something to help ease your pain (aside from praying).