Sunday, November 30, 2008

What is Strength?

The past few days many people have told me (or told Josh who told me) that I am strong or that they admire my strong faith. I don't feel that my faith or I are very strong.

Sometimes I feel like a crumbling wall. The only reason I haven't completely toppled is because God is bracing me and shoring up my pebbles. The disintegration has nothing to do with the Almighty Builder but with the cracks I wedge wider. At the same time that I am collapsing, he is restructuring. I am not the one with the strength.

Don't people always say that the survivor is strong at times like this? What would be the determining factor for an onlooker to say the person wasn't strong?

I am asking why this happened. I am crying out in my sorrow.

I hurt. There is a hole in my heart that had started scarring over but has been ripped open anew and deeper. I want my baby. I want both of my babies.

Do people think my faith is strong because I mention relying on God? I'm leaning on him because I am weak. If it wasn't for him, I'd fall completely apart, not just partially. He is the one assembling the wall faster than it's falling down. I am not helping. I am the child standing beside him whining, "Why are you doing it that way, God? I don't like how it looks. Why couldn't it just have stayed the way it was before?"

It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. 2 Samuel 22:33

But it doesn't feel perfect right now, God.


MapleCottage said...


Veronica said...

Thinking of you and praying, Melanie~

Jenni said...

I totally agree, Melanie. It has always seemed strange to me when people mention strength at times like these, too. I don't want to hear that I am strong, or that my faith is inspiring, at times when I am hurting.

Many, many ((((((HUGS))))))) and prayers.

Julie said...

Praying for you my friend. ((Hugs))

The Zandi Zoo said...

This was so right on and perfectly worded Melanie. Prayers & hugs for you, friend. ((hugs))

Unknown said...

I am crying with you.

Anonymous said...


I recently found this verse during my daily readings, and thought of you. It may not help much, and I might not know what to say, but here it is.

Nehemiah 8 v. 10:

Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Kristin said...

I agree that the strength is supernatural, but the pain is still so real. ((hugs))