On Thursday I finally heard back from my mw Liz. All of the blood work I had done for clotting disorders came back normal except that they discovered I carry one copy of the C677T mutation for MTHRF. However, this is not uncommon. Two copies of the mutation could lead to miscarriage and stillbirth, but the mother having only one copy of it is not associated with any increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirth. So it doesn't seem that any clotting disorders contributed to Grace's or Hannah's deaths.
Where do we go from here? Liz said if we wanted, the next step would be to talk to a genetic counselor. Neither Josh nor I are inclined to go that route as we both feel that from here on out, definitive answers will be elusive.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
More Test Results
Posted by Melanie at 3:59 PM 9 comments
Labels: medical
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Endocrinology Test Results
Yesterday I had my follow up appt with the endocrinologist, Dr. L. All of the bloodwork she did came back normal. No elevated thyroid antibodies. No high androgen or testosterone levels. Good lipid panel, HDL, LDL, glucose, and progesterone levels. No hypothyroidism. Dr. L did, however, say that, while my androgen and testosterone levels were normal, I did meet the criteria for PCOS based on other "soft markers" that I have.
We discussed treatment for my mild PCOS with metformin (glucophage) as many women with PCOS are insulin resistant or insulin sensitive and you can't really test for it without doing clinical trials because your glucose levels can still test normal for a while. Dr. L also mentioned how the ovaries are very sensitive to insulin levels. I asked her if my not being on metformin during my pgs could account for the losses, and she said usually pg losses due to PCOS occur much earlier in the pg.
We talked about 3 different scenarios regarding taking metformin:
1. If she was me and wanted to get pg again, she'd take the metformin to give the baby every chance of doing well.
2. I could take the metformin even if I wasn't planning to get pg again. It may help with some of those "soft markers" I deal with.
3. I could opt not to take the metformin if not planning to get pg again. Since the PCOS issues I deal with aren't severe, this would be okay if they don't bother me much. She suggested that if I do this, I should get my glucose levels tested once a year.
Dr. L said that taking or not taking the metformin was up to me since my PCOS and symptoms are fairly mild and that she would support me whatever I choose to do.
At one point in our discussion, I started crying. I couldn't help it. The news she was telling me wasn't bad. However, it seemed to say that we still didn't have any real answers as to why our little girls (especially Hannah) died. I just want answers. I want to know why.
On the drive to my appt I was praying, but I didn't know exactly what to pray for. It's not that I want something to be wrong with me, but if there was something like these things Dr. L tested for, it would be a probable answer. I was almost positive I'd be diagnosed with hypothyroidism since so many of the symptoms fit me, but my blood work levels discounted that. I want to have the "assurance" that if I would get pg again I could take medication or do something else that would put the odds of giving birth to a healthy, living baby overwhelmingly in my favor. Instead, I still feel that it's all an unknown and I don't have anymore "assurance" than before since it seems we still don't know what went wrong in the first place.
I'm still waiting to hear from my mw on the results of all that blood work she did testing for clotting disorders. I'm a bit surprised I haven't heard back from her yet as she's usually really good about getting back to me. I called her on Monday and left a message. I know she's out of the office today, but if I don't hear back from her by tomorrow morning, I'm going to call her again.
I have a feeling the results of the blood work she ordered will come back normal, too.
Posted by Melanie at 9:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: medical
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Abandoning Our Agendas
Shortly after delivering Hannah, a friend loaned me the book The One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie. I'd never heard of the book before, but my friend had gotten it when dealing with some difficult things herself, and it had been recommended to her by someone she knew who had suffered 2 late pg losses.
The book is a 52 wk devotional that explores various topics in the Bible with which those suffering pain and disappointment wrestle. It is not specifically written for people who have lost someone they love, but it's certainly fitting for them. The book offers hope to those experiencing the difficult things of this earthly life without being condescending or minimizing the reality of the hurt.
I'm currently on wk 7 of the devotions. So many of the daily writings have hit home for me. It felt like the one for today was written especially for me. Not only did I have an "ah-ha moment", but it was like I was being hit over the head with a 2x4 to make certain I didn't miss it's relevancy to me.
Today's devotion was based on Matthew 10:39. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Guthrie writes on p. 52:
Jesus calls us to abandon our own agendas, what we have deemed will please and fulfill us, so that we can embrace the kind and quality of life that only he gives. This is not about adding Jesus to the life we are living. This is about making Jesus our life. This is about putting our plans for our lives to death so that the abundant life he offers has room to take root and grow. And death is always painful ... The problem is, we don't really believe that God's plan for our lives could be better than the one we've crafted. We don't believe we could be as fulfilled by the life he offers as we would be by the one we've planned. It takes a step of faith to believe God will supply satisfying life now and when we die.
Wow! Does that ever go straight to my heart and pierce it!
God, I admit to wanting things my way and getting fiercely upset when you don't let them go that way. In my heart I believe that you want what's best for me and are creating it, but sometimes I feel torn apart when things don't seem to progress in the way my puny mind deems best. Forgive me for my mortal short-sightedness and faltering faith. Help me focus on you and the cross, ever thankful for the gift of your son and always trusting in your eternal focus. Amen.
Posted by Melanie at 12:54 PM 4 comments
Today is the day I was scheduled to have my 2nd level 2 u/s. I would have been 26 wks along with Hannah. Sometimes I wish there wasn't so much hope or sadness attached to a number on the calendar. I miss you, sweet baby girl.
Posted by Melanie at 9:44 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Whatever You're Doing
This song by Sanctus Real has really become meaningful to me. I feel like it describes so much of what I've been feeling. I don't know why God allowed such sorrow to enter my life, but I can tell he's changing me through it. So many times I feel all mixed up inside, not knowing where God is leading me, how I will look when he's finished molding me, but I know I need to trust in him, surrendering all to the one who can "do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." (Ephesians 3:20)
Posted by Melanie at 8:08 AM 3 comments
Labels: Bible passages, feelings, songs/poems, video
Monday, January 5, 2009
My Medical Update
I had my appt with the endocrinologist today. She ended up doing a u/s on my thyroid. It's about 1 1/2 times the size it should be. Except for a few tiny cysts, it looks good which leads her to believe that my thyroid antibodies are elevated and that's what's making my thyroid larger. Elevated thyroid antibody levels occur before your other thyroid levels rise which may be why the thyroid test I had at the beginning of this last pg came back normal. Elevated thyroid antibody levels could possibly cause m/c. She also seems to suspect PCOS (which she said can also lead to m/c) and sent me to have bloodwork done to check my hormone levels for that as well as the thyroid levels. I have to make an appt with her in a couple of weeks to talk with her about the results of the bloodwork and where to go from there, depending on the results.
On Thursday I have my 6 wk PP check-up with my mw. She told me at my 2 wk PP check-up that she'll have my bloodwork to test for clotting disorders done at this next appt, too.
So, we still don't know anything definite, but may be getting closer to some answers.
I've been reading the book of Job lately along with a commentary on it. I don't rejoice in Job's suffering, and I know he had things much worse than I do, but it's comforting to know that his suffering wasn't a punishment and that even when things go badly, God is still in control and he has a reason for those things.
Posted by Melanie at 3:51 PM 6 comments
Labels: medical