Saturday, January 31, 2009

More Test Results

On Thursday I finally heard back from my mw Liz. All of the blood work I had done for clotting disorders came back normal except that they discovered I carry one copy of the C677T mutation for MTHRF. However, this is not uncommon. Two copies of the mutation could lead to miscarriage and stillbirth, but the mother having only one copy of it is not associated with any increased risk of miscarriage or stillbirth. So it doesn't seem that any clotting disorders contributed to Grace's or Hannah's deaths.

Where do we go from here? Liz said if we wanted, the next step would be to talk to a genetic counselor. Neither Josh nor I are inclined to go that route as we both feel that from here on out, definitive answers will be elusive.


MapleCottage said...

I know the desire for answers with one loss, I can imagine how difficult it is to want to know after what you have been through. (((Mel)))

MapleCottage said...

(((Mel))) I know that has to be difficult..

Christina said...

has your hubby been tested for the C677T mutation as well? ((hugs)) still thinking of and praying for you and your family

Katherine said...

(((HUGS))) I believe you said you didn't have chromosone testing done on the babies. Were you against that for some reason? Perhaps you and your dh could both had a chromosone analysis done to see if one of you carry a transolcation. As somebody who had 6 very healthy children before having two second semester chromosonal losses, I'd maybe suggest looking into this especially since your little Grace did show some problems with structural abnormalities. I know how painful this all is, and I pray for peace for you.

More ((((HUGS)))

Melanie said...

MommyScott, no, he hasn't.

Kathy, no, we're not against the chromosomal testing. We just chose not to have it done at the time.

Motherhen said...

Melanie, I'm sorry you can't get any real answers. I can relate to how frustrating that must be for you. Thinking of your and sending big (((HUGS))).

Denise said...

(((Hugs))) Melanie, that sounds so frustrating. Keeping you in my prayers.

Cakes said...

I can't put into words what I want to tell you. Something about peace and hope and how much I admire your faith and something about mysteries and frustration and trust. I can feel it all...I just can't put it into words.

Kristin said...

((Hugs Mel)) I know this is tough -- it's hard to believe those losses were just sad coincidences, but maybe that means something good in the future. I know it's hard not to have answers; I hope you can find peace and direction. Thinking and hoping for you!