Monday, January 5, 2009

My Medical Update

I had my appt with the endocrinologist today. She ended up doing a u/s on my thyroid. It's about 1 1/2 times the size it should be. Except for a few tiny cysts, it looks good which leads her to believe that my thyroid antibodies are elevated and that's what's making my thyroid larger. Elevated thyroid antibody levels occur before your other thyroid levels rise which may be why the thyroid test I had at the beginning of this last pg came back normal. Elevated thyroid antibody levels could possibly cause m/c. She also seems to suspect PCOS (which she said can also lead to m/c) and sent me to have bloodwork done to check my hormone levels for that as well as the thyroid levels. I have to make an appt with her in a couple of weeks to talk with her about the results of the bloodwork and where to go from there, depending on the results.

On Thursday I have my 6 wk PP check-up with my mw. She told me at my 2 wk PP check-up that she'll have my bloodwork to test for clotting disorders done at this next appt, too.

So, we still don't know anything definite, but may be getting closer to some answers.

I've been reading the book of Job lately along with a commentary on it. I don't rejoice in Job's suffering, and I know he had things much worse than I do, but it's comforting to know that his suffering wasn't a punishment and that even when things go badly, God is still in control and he has a reason for those things.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is I'm prying for you. I can't imagine what you are feeling. All I know is that God's peace surpasses all understanding.


AZ Mama said...

I'll be praying that the tests will find what is wrong and that treatment can occur!

Tania @ Larger Family Life said...

I hope you do find some answers soon.


Unknown said...

Oh Mel, I am so glad you are getting some answers (though the REAL answers we will only maybe get in heaven someday, right?) I am praying for you!

~Dinah said...

Our trials are a path to something much better...but I know what it's like to feel like they are a punishment. HUGS and prayers.

Kristin said...

I'm hoping you get answers and healing and a special blessing this year!